Smart Vibrator User Guide

  1. Turn off phone vibrate in Setting > Sound & display

  2. Adjust the ringtone greater than vibrate. If you don’t want to hear the ringtone, you can let it just greater than vibrate. It almost can’t be heard.

  3. Open SmartVibrator, there already exist default SMS and phone pattern. For a test, you can make a call to your mobile; it should vibrate as the default pattern now.

  4. Click New Pattern to customize your pattern.
      "." -- dot vibration,
      "-" -- long vibration,
      "_" -- strong vibration,
      " " -- stop 0.5s.
    Then open the contacts list of your mobile by click the contact icon. You can select contacts that you want to vibrate for this patter. You also can type it manually in the filter text area. The format is freedom; only need contains the full phone number without any separator.

    Correct examples  
    John H 123456789

    Incorrect example
    John H – 123456789  
    John H 123-456-789

  5. If the pattern is beginning with “#”, it means this pattern is applied for incoming call; otherwise, it is applied for SMS.

  6. Turn on the remind vibration for missed message and incoming call.(Optional, for Android 1.6+)
    If you missed the message or call, it will remind you by repeating the vibration every 3-6 minutes. It will stop remind vibrate until you open or do some actions on your mobile. The each action in the following list will stop the remind vibrate:
      a. Press Menu button to unlock your mobile
      b. Touch the desktop
      c. Open an application

    To turn on it, you need turn on Accessibility on mobile Setting > Accessibility. When you turn on it, an Attention message window will pop up, press Ok button to continue. SmartVibrtor need the Accessibility to monitor the desktop touch event which is a signal to stop the remind vibration. You don’t have to worry about the security, because SmartVibrator won’t collect any input text, and it doesn’t own internet permission at all.