Tuesday, August 23, 2011

USB Connection Guide for Remote Web Desktop (MAC & Linux)

Thanks a lot to AsmerM and his friend Mirzar help me develop the USB connection tool for Linux and Mac. I have tested it on my MAC, it works perfectly. The following is the guide on MAC, it should be similar on Linux, but because I don't have a Linux environment, so I can't make a screenshot for it.

Download ADB Tool

Please click the following download link to download the ADB tool and USB driver, and extract it to your local drive.
ADB Tool (MAC)
ADB Tool (Linux)

Turn on USB Debuggin on Phone Side

Go Menu > Setting > Appliations > Development, and turn on "USB debugging" option:

Connect Remote Web Desktop through ADB Tool

  1. Open Remote Web Desktop on your phone side, specify a port (e.g. 8999) for it.
  2. Click 'Start Server' button to start the Web Desktop server. And it will show status text such like 'Open http://xxx.xxx.xxx.x:8999 in browser'.
  3. Connect your Android phone to your computer's USB port.
  4. Open Terminal app
  5. Run cd the adb_mac or adb_linux folder, you need specify the full path of adb_mac, such like "cd /Usrs/John/downloads/adb_mac/"
  6. Grant permission 777 to adb and connect.sh files (only need at the first time), you can run
    "chmod 777 *.*" under the ad_mac or ad_linux folder
  7. run "./connect.sh 8999", 8999 is the port set in Remote Web Desktop on phone side.
  8. If you get this error: "Device is not connected or USB debugging not enabled", please turn on USB debugging on your phone side (Setting > Applications > Development > USB Debugging), and re-connect the USB line.
  9. It will open the default browser and visit the RWD through http://localhost:8999
Please click the following screenshot to view detail.

Install Capture Service for Non-Rooted Phone

  1. Connect phone to computer with USB.
  2. Open Terminal app
  3. Run cd the adb_mac or adb_linux folder, you need specify the full path of adb_mac, such like "cd /Usrs/John/downloads/adb_mac/"
  4. Grant permission 777 to adb and install_cap_service.sh files (only need at the first time), you can run
    "chmod 777 *.*" under the ad_mac or ad_linux folder
  5. Run "./install_cap_service.sh" to install capture service
  6. You will get prompt message like the follwoing shot, then you can close it and un-plug your USB line. Of course, you also can keep the USB connected, I just mean it can work without it.

  7. Login Remote Web Desktop, open Screenshot window, you can take screenshot for non-rooted phone now.
  8. Please notice that you need reinstall capture service agagin if you restart your phone.